My opinion about Turkey’s invasion

Turkey invaded Cyprus . Cyprus was governed by Greece and Turkey. Europe ‘s top human right’s court ordered Turkey to pay 90 million euros. Furthermore it required Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities make effort to reunite the island.
Such territorial problems often happen all over the world. Japan have also many troubles. For example sennkaku island (China ) , takeshima (Korea ) and hoppouryoudo (Russia) . Base of these problems is resource. On the growth of countries resources are indispensable. So it is natural that they become desperate. Now these rows ‘ point is that they think they are right themselves each other. So they can’t accept opponent. Far from it they cannot even listen to him. Because of these dilemma they even don’t discuss.But we Japanese should debate more with these countries. Because they are neighboring countries. Especially with China and Korea . On the economical aspect we should have strong tie with China. On the defense to North Korea we should make friends with Korea . So debating is indispensable . Sure,these islands are Japanese’ on the letter but opponents don’t regard it as the point at issue. Right from the beginning they doubt that these islands are Japanese’. So first, we Japanese must understand this aspect. But still we need not concede. What I would like to say is to listen each other is important.

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