This I believe

I believe that music can change the world more peaceful and solve a lot of problems around the world. In addition, music can give power to people.

I love music for a long time.  I listen to music everyday. My favorite Japanese artist is Kazutoshi Sakurai, he is a vocalist and a guiterist of Mr.children. Mr.children is the Japanese popular rock band. Many Japanese people love their songs from the day when they dubued until now. They often make songs about love, peace, human and so on. The lyrics of their songs resonate in my heart very much. I have been encouraged by their songs when I had be sad. Moreover, my way of thinking have been changed by their songs positively or peacefully.

In one of their songs, “The palm of the hand”, Sakurai tells us, “People don’t have to be one group, it is natural that there are various groups or various humans around the world. We don’t have to have a same sense of values. We don’t have to have a same ideology. We don’t have to believe a same religion. We should admit other people’s thinking each other. We don’t need to fight because of difference of thinking.” I think it is very important thing what the song tells. Sakurai made a lot of songs which relate to peace of the world, they are not only “The palm of the hand” but also other songs. I have been taught many things by lyrics of songs which are made by not only Mr.children but also other artists. Music is very efficient tool to convey important thoughts to people around the world.

Music can be spreaded over the border. American rock music is very popular in Japan, and Japanese pop music is popular in America, too. Some musicians often act live performance in many countries, some of them sometimes sing their own songs in each lamguages. Even if they sang their songs in their language and the audience couldn’t understand their language, the audience enjoys very much or be moved to tears in their live. It is very fantastic that many people watch the same stage at the same time and they enjoy in the same place together. In the place, we can think that we are friends.

I think music power is great. Music plays very important role in the various place around the world. I will be helped by music forever.

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