I Believe…

I believe that sleep plays the most important role in our life, in order to make our life successful. Most people sleep every day, and it is obvious that the sleep is needed to maintain our health. However, is it necessary to achieve success in our daily life? I will explain why I think that way.

              First of all, sleep refreshes our mind. Don’t you feel your mind being cleared after a long sleep? In fact, mind is actually being cleared during the night. This fact has been proven scientifically, by many researchers. People are exposed to a shower of information every day. Information that we absorb during the day, will be put in a shelf called “hippocampus” inside the brain randomly. In that area, information are sorted and put in a shelf, so that we can access to those information afterwards. These shelves are called “memory,” and we depend on these in our daily life. If we lack sleep, our shelves would not be cleaned on time, so there are higher possibilities of losing memories. That’s why I take a small powernap before I start studying, and why I sleep so much after I studied for a long time.

              Secondly, long sleep will gain stamina when we are fatigued. As a result, we can live our life lively, and actively. Energetic actions always give positive effects to the others, which can attract the people around us. In Spain, there’s an old custom called “Siesta.” People there used to take a small break to take a nap, about 2-3hours after lunch, usually the period of time when everyone gets tired. I think, this system is wonderful, because we can recover our stamina once again, so that we can concentrate on our work after the nap. As an effect, the efficiency of the work could increase, and also enlighten the working-environment, which can lead to a success in our job.

              Finally, but most importantly, I believe that the sleep reduces our stress. People might regard sleep as a way to escape from a reality, but I think in an opposite way. Whenever there’s a problem, it is likely to be solved after some sleep is taken. Nothing would be solved if we try to treat the problem carrying so much stress. I recommend relieving all the stressors by sleeping, and then facing the problem. According to my experience, in that way we have more chances of working out a solution. Unless the problem has to be solved urgently, it is better to sleep first.

              As a conclusion, I believe in the power of sleep for three reasons; it refreshes our mind, regain us stamina, and reduces stress. I hope the listeners of my speech to try out some of my sleeping methods.

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