“Facebook fights largestever”US court data request- My reaction

Facebook is fighting a US court order in which it was forced to submit data belonging in people involved in a benefit fraud trial. Last year some private data was supplied to the court. The Facebook accounts showed that fraudulent claimants of US federal disability benefits were in fact healthy. However it had been veiled and was made public by a judge this week. He demanded that Facebook should comply with search warrants. The company abided by the verdict but protested that it violated the US constitution. There are no date restriction on the warrant and the range of the data request. It mean that the government may keep the data indefinitely. Facebook said that the government had obtained controls on the freedom of the account holder’s speech.

I think that the court should make more clear ruling. The definition, Facebook as “digital landlord”, has not enough details. The validly of the warrants should be within a fixed period of time. The range of data also should be limited. I don’t understand why the judge don’t make clear about that, although t it is necessary subject in order to protect personal data. When unreasonable searches and seizures become been permitted tacitly, the times would go back to the old days. I can understand Facebook are useful to find guilty such as the example last year, but I can’t agree with the judgment.I hope people may use Facebook safely.

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