My reaction of U.S. plans to curb land mines and join global treaty.

Now, there are about 9 million land mines in the world. In the past the U.S. has always reserved the right to produce more land mines. However, recently the U.S. intends to join Ottawa Convention which prohibits the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of the mines. Steve Goose, head of delegation said the U.S. should join at least set a target date to join the treaty and immediately pledge not to use land mines and begin destruction of its stockpiles.

I agree with Steve Goose, so I believe that the U.S. should sign Ottawa Convention immediately. I have two reasons. First, land mines are used indiscriminate killing. All the lives are precious, but it is cruel and cause inhuman damages. Land mines take a lot of lives of innocent people. Second, I think that there is a method to substitute for land mines. Land mines are used mainly in borders, but there are other methods. For example, making the net with the splinter on borders and making high wall with surveillance camera.

In conclusion, I think all countries must not use land mines, because indiscriminate killing is not good and there are better replacement solutions. So, the U.S. which likes a world leader should join Ottawa Convention as soon as possible. I pray for the peaceful world without the weapons.


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