Golden Gate Bridge board approval


According to this article, San Francisco bridge officials have approved the construction of suicide-prevention nets alongside the golden Bridge. Since the bridge opened, many people have killed themselves by jumping off the bridge. So, the project that the safety nets was constructed under the bridge started. There are many obstacles, but it was approved because “not one more soul will be lost to this bridge”.

My Reaction

In Japan, people often commit suicide at the tourist attraction. Probably many people have killed themselves since trains are opened. In Japan, there are also safety systems.
For example, the gates between platforms and tracks. I think they are working efficiently about reducing a number of suicides. In this article, some people say those who were suicidal would find another way if those safety system were installed but, I don’t think so. They commit suicide when they think they can be dead easily. Almost people are afraid of being dead, so I don’t think they choose troublesome method in order to kill themselves. In short, safety systems have saved many lives.
Also, how should we do to reduce suicide at the tourist attraction in different way?
It is difficult problem. I think there is no epoch-making solution. Getting rid of the cause of suicide or making environment without bullying are not easy. Perhaps, we can only prevent people from committing suicide when we find them doing.

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