My reaction to “U.S. sends more agents to border amid child amid child immigrant crisis”


America is in difficulty because of an illegal immigrants problem. These days, more and more immigrants, especially unaccompanied children, from Central America cross the border illegally. To deal with this, American government is sending a lot of agents to the boarder to capture the immigrants. However, there is another problem. The government have to find an answer to how to treat young immigrants who have already been in America. They don’t have their citizenships, so they cannot get a fixed job, take out an insurance policy and go to school. Therefore, American government is at a loss what to do to treat those children.


My opinion

I think America should find a fundamental solution to this illegal immigrants problem. This is because those immigrants cross the border because of their poverty. Now, the economy of Mexico is very bad and people have no choice but to work abroad. Therefore, to stop immigrants, America have to change economic situation of Mexico. A good example of this is to overseas expansion of factories. This enables companies to cut down personal expenses, and people in the country can get more works. In conclusion, America should not only reinforce the guard of the border but also take some fundamental steps to change the economic situation.

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