Illegal migrants of the U.S. – my reaction

In the U.S., illegal migrants are increasing, especially for girls and children under 13.  More than 90% of children caught trying to cross the Mexico-US border without parents come from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
The reasons of migrating are escaping from domestic abuse, the threat of the violent gangs, and poverty.
However, the migrants face many problems after they could get into the U.S., like being sexual assaulted, being forced to work hard with low pay, or hunger.

I am wondering why the illegal migrants come to the U.S. although they meet many problems not only in their countries, but also in the U.S.  The main reason is a contrast of wages.  There are many companies which want low-paid workers to cut off costs like fast food restaurants. Hence, illegal migrants can find high-paid job for them.
However, why are there many children in the illegal migrants?  In this passage, they escaped from fears of death.  In their countries, it is not rare to even rape or kill children.  Surely, the U.S. is safer than these countries.  However, the U.S. deports many illegal migrants and immigrants who made crimes or troubled in the U.S.  This causes a vicious circle; criminals return and increase, public securities become worth, illegal migrants increase…
In my opinion, the U.S. has to help the countries if the U.S. wants to reduce the number of illegal migrants.  Rejections just make the situation worse.

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