Made in Africa -My Reaction-

In these days a lot of companies notice that manufacturing in Africa takes low costs.  There are some African countries growing rapidly in economy. However, it would rather be costly if they fail to develop manufacturing in Africa. Everywhere we see many kinds of products which are made in China, Taiwan or Vietnam but not in African countries. In spite of economic growth in Africa, Africa constitutes only  2% share of the world’s total manufacturing output. Asian and North American countries have more than 60% of the share. It can be said that Africa has less trust, compared with these countries. To attract more foreign investment, Africa needs structral transformation.

I think it is a good way to manufacture in Africa. There is vast land, and labor costs for workers are relatively low. In Europe or America, Africa is nearer than Asia. It might be cheaper in terms of transportation.  However, it is true that companies would be anxious about doing so. A brand of “made in Africa” is not yet familiar to us and workers there may not be used to manufacturing. Still, I think it necessary for companies to do so in order to introduce technology or techniques in Africa. It is a duty of advanced countries to help develop other countries. We should not always look after our own interests. I guess Africa will succeed in receiving lots of companies in ten years.

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