Nigeria Gunmen Kidnap 20 Women in Northeast- my reaction


Boko Haram abducted 20 nomadic women in northeast Nigeria. On April 15, the group had already kidnapped more than 300 girl students and young women in the same place.

Boko Haram is an Islamic group and their purpose is foundation of Islamic country in Nigeria.

The group of vigilante is prepared to resist Boko Haram’s military actions. A member of the vigilante stated that a member of Boko Haram compelled the women to enter their vehicles and abducted the women and the young men who trid to save the women from Boko Haram.

275 of the kidnapped girls haven’t been found yet.


My reaction

Boko Haram is growing as a serious issue and receiving international attention so we have to consider a solution as soon as possible.

I‘d like to discuss two problems, concerning Boko Haram. The first problems is that Boko Haram has a big power in Nigeria and the second is that it is difficult to save women and children.

Firstly, why does Boko Haram have strong influence in Nigeria? The members have a lot of guns. In other words, they have much money so they can act in the way they like.

I think The Nigerian Government has to find Boko Haram’s source of income and restrict their action. However, in Nigeria the government doesn’t have authority so the government doesn’t have a power to stop Boko Haram. Of course, the vigilantes try to restrict Boko Haram, but the act of vigilantes don’t have justified because they are not an official group of Nigeria.

This is why the government has to recover the authority to suppress Boko Haram’s attack.

Secondly, abductions are invasion of women and children’s right. These are immoral action and provoke antipathy in the whole world. So we have to rescue them.

I think Nigerian government should receive support from surrounding countries and developed countries. Almost all countries have recognized that Boko Haram is a dangerous group so it is not difficult to get their support. In fact Britain and America already have stated that they will help gathering information. However, Boko Haram hates western culture so the huge religious conflict may take place if other countries give aid.

This is why Supporting countries need to consider seriously how to save the women and children.

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