my reaction about resula

my article was about the problem of resula animal that we might can’t see anymore because of destruction of nature by human.

actually, resula was found recently. it is new species in africa. however, if people try to save their teritory and lives they can’t use their soil for living.

my opinion about this problem is securing the teritory of resula by compensating for the people who living in that very teritory.

maybe this isn’t best choice but i strongly believe that resula can have their teritory if the government offer appropriate compensation for the people. they can’t keep their lives without their teritory because africa is not a developed country so they have to keep argriculture life, but without that land,

none of resula can’t be saved. it is very important to keep resula safe because they are whole new species.  if resula is extincted

maybe there is no more chance to see them again. it’s quite a big deal. many of species are being extincted even at this moment. resula could be one of them and we can make that never happen by offering some compensation.

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