My reaction to the articlle ‘Made in Africa: Is manufacturing taking off on the continent?’

The low cost manufacturing in Africa is expected all over the world.
Until now, It has been ubiquitous for us to find the products which were made in China. While Africa commands a meager 1.5% share of the world’s total manufacturing output.
Africa Progress Panel report says “Economies that have sustained high growth over the long term have gone through a process of economic diversification.There have been not characteristics of growth in Africa, even in sectors that are attracting foreign investment. where are little structural transformation.

I was surprised at that Africa having not been expected all over the world because I thought Africa has already attracted Europe or USA… but it was wrong. Africa is the one of the areas with hidden potential.
By the way  I have anxiety when I heard about this news. That is the oppressive working conditions like other developing countries.
There may be nothing I can do but I wish anyone must not die or be injured by the condition….
so I think  it’s big problem for people all over the world  to solve,
and we should think about the manufacturing that costs low price.

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