My reaction for Africa’s elephant

Our group discussed the survival of Africa’s elephants. More than 20,000 Africa’s elephants were poached in 2013 and the levels were far above the elephant birth rate. Transnational organized crime appeared to be involved in the trade. However, the trade of ivory has decreased because of Cites’ regulation of the international trade of plants and animals and there is the rise in China for legal mammoth ivory. Regardless of this good news, in some countries, elephants were still endangered species.

I think that Cites had good influence to the decrease of trade of the ivory, but they or other institution need new solution for poaching and illegally trading. Cites regulate illegally trading of plants and animals, but protection of plants and animals which are poached is not enough to save those species. Protecting them has three types, punishing, establishing zoos, and stimulating interest in them.
Firstly, punishing poachers has good influence to the protection to a certain extent, yet too severe punishment may cause hard resistance so appropriate punishment is need.
Secondly, establishing zoos is difficult, but it is very useful and can be a long-period solution. The foundation needs a large amounts of money and many specialists about plants and animals. However, it makes the easy protection of them for a long time.
Finally, stimulating interest is a world-wide solution. If it succeed, many institutions are founded and they act themselves for the protection. It means that particular countries need not to spent money and all institutions cooperate each other for the protection.
In conclusion, the constitution of low, foundation of zoos, and a stimulus of the interest are effective for protection of plants and animals.

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