My reaction about Ebola deaths pass 300 in West Africa -WHO

Our group discussed about Ebola.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people killed by the deadly Ebola Virus in West Africa has risen to 337. The virus occurs in southern Guinea’s Guekedou region suddenly, but then spread to its neighbors. So it is spread by close contact.
More than 500 suspected or confirmed cases of the virus have been recorded. In addition the death rate is very high. It is because there is no cure or vaccine for Ebola. Symptoms include internal and external bleeding, diarrhea and vomiting.
The WHO said it was working with the three countries to strengthen cross-border collaboration aimed at tacking the outbreak. Therefore it does not recommend any travel or trade restriction on the three countries.

Ebola is incurable disease. It is so terrible. But we cannot solve this problem easily.
I think that the government should educate people about Ebola at school, office, and media. People need to learn that Ebola is dangerous to people.
Most dangerous thing about Ebola is no cure or vaccine. We cannot get recover if we are infected with Ebola virus. So we must prevent us from being infected with Ebola virus. It is necessary to confine any travel or trade on the three countries where infection was suspected or confirmed so that the WHO recommended it.
In addition, developed countries should help the three countries develop new cure, vaccine and medicine. It is important that many countries cooperate to lose Ebola.
It takes a lot of time to reduce people infected with Ebola. I hope that people suffering in Ebola disappear.

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