We discussed the article about Nigeria gunmen ‘Boko Haram’ who abducted 20 women in northeast Nigeria. On April 25, at the same place, they kidnapped more than 300 school girls.A member of the vigilante groups who resist Boko Haram’s attack testified that he saw the men  compelled the women to enter their vehicles and taken away. The group also kidnapped three young men who tried to prevent the kidnapping, and now they want to found an Islamic state in their country.


Through this article, I found two points at issue that we should think seriously.  First, how the women treated all over the world.  In Nigeria, or in any other developing countries in Africa, the girls are often implicated the crime.  On the other hand, to our surprise, the discrimination against women still linger in the developed countries like Japan. We should grasp what is happening around the women all over the world. Second, how to stop the inhuman crimes as this case. I think it is necessary not to pass weapon  into the dangerous group. And of course, the highest priority is that the government gains power strong enough  to stop the groups having their own way in everything.


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