My reaction “Made in Africa: Is manufacturing taking off on the continent?”

The low cost of manufacturing in African countries is attracting companies from around the world.

Several African countries have enjoyed economic growth in recent years, but there are fears that a failure to develop manufacturing could prove to be costly.

“Economies that have sustained high growth over the long term have typically gone through a process of economic diversification, the spread of new technologies, rising productivity in agriculture, the expansion of the manufacturing sector, and the development of a skilled workforce,” write the authors of a recently published Africa Progress Panal report.

“These have not been characteristics of growth in Africa, even in sectors that are attracting foreign investment. Put differently, there has been a lot of growth but little structural transformation,” they conclude.

I think that the low cost of manufacturing in Africa is very attractive for some developped countries. European countries maybe able to benefit from African countries. African workers are paid low salary compared with European workers. Moreover, companies can rent African lands with low costs. America or Japan are far from African countries, so they can’t reap the much benefit, but European countries maybe able to reap it.

However, the environment in African countries is bad compared from European countries. I think European countries should help African countries to build infrastracture, give financial support. Helping each other is very important about this problem between developping countries to developped countries.

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