Social Business in Uganda

This article carries a story of social business in Uganda.
In Uganda, infant mortality is currently at issue.
BundleTree Baby, a baby blanket and accessories brand, sell products all handmade by Ugandan mothers in order to empower mothers and save babies. The profit directly contributes to a healthcare and education fund.
People can recognize the exact support toward such social issues through small purchases.

My comment is about sustainability of social business.
Even if the products cannot be sold well, the company cannot dismiss its workers and has to continue paying rural mothers certain amount of money.
The company cannot make large amount of products because they are all handmade. Products of social business absolutely need to survive market competition as well as other product by profit seeking companies.
Thus, I doubted whether social businesses such as BundleTree Baby continue to support mothers and babies.
Social businesses in a rural area, however, have a sense of strong community ties among women toward a shared goal. Since women recognize they need to cooperate each other in order to make a living in a small rural area, mutual understandings, trusts and respects are formed among women there.
These characteristics can be strong point of social businesses.
Therefore, I think companies running social businesses can probably be sustainable through making full use of these advantages.

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