My reaction about ivory trade

The very future of the African elephant, the largest land animal on Earth, could be at risk. The number of elephants in Africa is declining because of illegal hunts.  Alarmingly, elephant population is being hit hardest, with thousands of elephants killed each year. According to the article existence of a legal trade is contributing to provide cover for a much more extensive black market. These markets are patronised by ex-pat communities and Chinese business, and almost ninety per cent of all the people arrested at the airports ferrying ivory are Chinese. It’s conclude that China’s booming economy means there will be an ever-growing market.
Food chain. Animals kill other animals to survive, so I don’t think killing animals for food is wrong. But in the event of poaching in Africa,  MONEY is at the heart of the killing of elephants. Killing animal to earn money(or to calm down excessive desire) and killing animals for meat are definitely different. It must be difficult to fight against poaching but we should react rapidly to help elephant from the risk of extinction. I want to stress that, reinforcing the monitoring system to detect poachers or toughening the law to punish poachers more strictly could be a strong deterrent to crime, but those measures are not effective enough to abolish illegal ivory trades. Securing the future of Africa’s elephant will mean not just beating the poachers but also tackling black-market sales in China(we don’t have to forget punishing buyers of tusks). In addition, I think that international cooperation is required to control poaching in Africa. We should realize how it is difficult to arrest poachers and have to extend a helping hand.
Normally ivories are helpful to protect elephants’s life. Ironically having too beautiful ivories is today their primary cause of death…

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