my reaction about poaching africa elephant


My group talked about poaching Africa elephants. The survival of Africa’s elephants are under threat because many people poached elephants for their ivory, and trade it them secretly. The report documented an increase in number of large seizures of ivory in 2013. Africa elephant is endangered species. Now elephants are threatened with extinction. Elephant conservationists do believe that increased ivory confiscation is a sign that law enforcement is improving. We have to know about the poaching more, who, where and how. And find out a solution to stop it.


I have two opinions. First, I think that the law about poaching and transnational organized crime should be more strictly. It is important to regulate the trade about endangered animals more strictly. The second solution is to preserve Africa elephants. The government preserves and watches them as national property. And making a huge area where human can’t enter is very important. But many developing countries don’t have much money. So it is difficult to preserving many animals. In the present situation, I think making the law is better solution. We have to find a solution protecting animals from extinction.

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