My reaction about a woman in Uganda


The woman in Uganda saves Uganda’s lost and abandoned children. She name is Gladys Kalibala. She was abandoned by her mother and raised by her grandfather. He was so kind people that she was very effected his love.
After her brother’s death, she started a news paper column in order to notify people that there are many abandoned children as a journalist.
Kalibala wants to start a foundation where she can raise more awareness and support these children by providing them with shelter and education.

I think Kalibala is the very good and clever woman. Whoever help people is great, but her motivation and devotion are things worthy of special mention.
First, in Africa, basically income is low because Blue-collar works account for much more than white-collar works. So as is often the case with Africa, some stars( for example famous soccer players who are active in European countries) feed not only their families but also relatives and orphanages. They have enormous money, so in a different point of view, they are natural for helping poverty. But Kalibala is not rich person. She is not a self -centered person. She work to save lost and abandoned children.
Second, Kalibala is using the mass media. It is very effective to use mass media because that can make scale of movement bigger. By using mass media, she can do more beyond her capacity.
For these reasons, I think Kalibala is a good and clever woman.


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