My reaction to elephant’s ivory.

I was impressed about the article that African elephant’s ivory. To catch ivory for making accessories or keyboards of pianos, many elephants have been killed. Because we have to kill an elephant whole to get ivory. Furthermore ivories come up only once a life.
Of course that African elephants face extinction is bad thing. Right from the beginning poaching them is illegal. So we should restrict ivory dealing . But I have a question at one point. The biggest consumers are Asian countries. Especially China and Japan. Does this dealing become so big issue if European countries are the biggest ones ? Let’s think another case. In japan people have eaten whales for long time. But European don’t have custom to eat them. So they can’t accept for Japan to catch them. Therefore whaling is restricted. Now I have raised some examples that European criticize Asian . But it doesn’t mean that European are selfish. What I would like to say is European tend to think they are the rightest. Europeans discriminated black people or native people during especially war time. They bring many disputes and wars. For example apartheid or the Rwandan civil war. They don’t have a relation with the cases of whales or elephants directly. But if Europeans have custom of eating whales and using ivory , catching them may not be so big issue. Far from it they probably make every effort to protect their interests. And to it another countries can’t fight against probably.
We should think about this dilemma when we talk about ivory dealing.

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