Somalia’s al-Shabab militants impose dress code.

Somalia’s al-Shabab militants have round up around 100 women and ordered them to comply with a strict Islamic dress code or risk being whipped. The women were told to wear a niqab, which covers all of their body and face, leaving just a small slit for their eyes. A UN-backed government,aided by African Union forces, has pushed al-Shabab out of the country’s main cities but it continues to stage deadly attacks there.

I beleive every woman has freedom of choice. It’s also freedom of choice that Musulim women voluntarily put on Islamic traditional clothes. However, even though men must protect women in Islamic doctorin, men cannot decide what wemen wear. In Europe, the separation of religion and politics is adopted. A lot of muslim women are uncomfortable about it, because they cannot wear what they want to wear. I think both insistences shold stopped, and I hope every women live happy to find their life-style.

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