Porching in Kenya-My reaction

  In my first group of last lesson, we talked about poaching in Kenya.
According to the article, one elephant was killed by an ivory poacher’s poisoned arrow to feed the seemingly insatiable demand for ivory in far off Kenya. The elephant was in the national park, where understaffed conservationists monitored him regularly to protect him from poachers.
After we read it, we focused on animal protection and its law.
 In Kenya, the government set the law which prohibit animal poaching, but actually poaching are happened. So in the problem like that some restriction often don’t work effectively.
Then what can we do from our public position?
 My opinion is that we should buy some products made by companies which cooperate on animal protection. For example, I always use cosmetics sold by LUSH (they’ve been fighting against animal testing for decades and believe in only buying ingredients from companies that do not commission tests on animals). Mr. Brewster also described his policies: He doesn’t eat whale’s meat, doesn’t buy products by Del Monte, and so on.
It is difficult for us to affect and change national law or regulation, but it is possible to assist and influence present social trend by our own actions. That is, I believe, the most important thing from now on.

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