My reaction to Columbian News

I’m going to write about my reaction about Columbians news.
On 31 May 2014, Columbian police have arrested 46 members of Rastrojos criminal gang in northern Atrantico department. Rastrojos is the name of gang in Columbia.
When I read this article, I thought it was difficult to get rid of crimes. We can’t make the free-crime world even if some of offenders are arrested. So, in Columbia, the present problem of high rate of criminal incidence will not change due to this arrest.
In addition to Columbian police say that Rastrojos used children and teenagers to sell cocain and other illegal drugs in the area. That means they are bring up new generations of offenders. Then, what should we do in this situation? I can’t find solution for losing criminals completely but we may reduce these. I think the most important thing to do is that we ourselves have the intension of not committing.
The world may be changeable when individual small minds gather.

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