A big drug producing country – Colombia – my reaction


Recently, Colombian police have arrested 46 members of the Rastrojos criminal gangs, who were  accused of extortion from shop owners and selling illegal drugs. Rostorojos smuggled at least 30 tonnes of cocaine into Mexico since 2008.  The Colombian Government lead by President Santos has to tackle this issue as quick as possible.

My Reaction

In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons for Colombia’s problems is its weak government. At first,  I was surprised that the Colombian government legally allows people of Colombia to possess drugs. The criminal gangs can take advantages easily from this environment. It is a good way to earn money in this disordered society.   I might say that it is better to be gangs than to work normally in Colombia, simply because they can earn more money. As a reasult, there are huge numbers of criminal gangs in Colombia, who control the  Colombian societies. They have more power than the government to influence people.

President Santos must build a well-ordered society, where there are less drugs and less gangs. It is important to bulid a circumstance where a country can control criminal gangs.  In order to do so,  the Colombian government will have to have closer relation with their people, so that they can face many familiar problems and solve them one by one. Whereas,  even if the police arrests the head of the criminal gangs, it will not be very effective to solve the problems. I believe Colombian people will eventually become happy, even without any drugs.



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