Can Brazil Host World Cup??

Brazil is facing a big problem while they are hosting World Cup in June. It is said that 2 out of 13 airports in Brazil are not ready to operate yet. During the cup, 600,000 international tourists and three million Brazilians are predicted to transport across the country to watch the game. Brazil’s railway is not viable enough to allow travelers to transport by train, so Brasil’s reliance on air route is huge. Some experts say that unless airport construction is ready for the tournament, this enormous event will turn into a chaos.


In the class, our group discussed whether the Brazil World Cup will be successful or not. It was interesting that my group had separated exactly into 2 groups, people who thought it would succeed, and people who don’t. Opinion clashed, because the people who don’t think it would be successful, could not believe that the transportation without enough planes and airport would allow the fans to reach for the game in time. They also said that plane delays can lead to delay of the game. However, I think airport construction will end before the tournament starts, and even if it does not, I think they can solve the problems with the current number of airports. (Because the construction of the biggest airport in Brazil is already completed.) Afterall, everyone including me, is excited to watch games in World Cup!

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