Evacuation of Copahue Volcano – my reaction

I read news about evacuation from a volcano on the border of Argentina and Chile: Copahue volcano.

The volcano showed a sign to begin eruption.  Seismic activity had been increasing in recent weeks.  However, when I searched the news now, the volcano had not erupted too.

The authorities in both countries issued a red alert, the highest possible alert, and the mandatory evacuation affected some 2,240 people.  Despite the alert, many people refused to leave their homes.

They did not want to evacuate because they wanted to stay with their farm animals and personal belongings.  A police officer said they were going to go to the homes and going to remove the women, the elderly and children.


When I read this news, I had a simple question, “Why people do not want to escape, although they may be killed by eruption?”  I could not understand their reason: preferring to stay with their farm animals and personal belongings.  After I explored about the Copahue volcano, I could understand the reason.

The volcano erupted recently, in 2012 to 2013.  In the eruption, there was no damage to people because the volcano just rose thick smoke.  I think the people do not ralize what happen in a big eruption and do not think so seriously.

In my opinion, the governments should show what may happen by the Copahue volcano, with information of volcanos in the world, such as in Japan or Hawaii.

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