My reaction to Entrepreneurship seen as solution to S.Africa’s Unemployment Crisis


South Africa’s unemployment rate has creeped up, standing at 25.2 percent.

Government’s attempts to help small business oweners are bound in redtape and bureaucracy.

Coming from a previously disadvantaged background, you have to begin from grassroots.

Education is one of the biggest advantages in starting a business. The country lacks the services to enable its young entrepreneurs.

My opinion

I totally agree with what the article says. People who come from a previously disadvantaged background tend to be disadvantaged again because their parents are poor and don’t have enough money to help their child. So I firmly believe that the government shoud attempt to help small business owners, not bureaucracy. Specific solution I think is good is to improve scholarship systems. Actually, I have been given a scholarship with repayment and interest mandatory. I wish I would not have to repay with interest.

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