“Rastrojos members held in Barranquilla raid”― My Reaction

Colombian police have arrested criminal gang. They are accused of extortion from shop owners and smuggling drugs such as cocaine. They demanded about $35 a month from businessmen in the city. When people refused to pay extortion money, the gang threatened and often attacked them. They have been related to at least 12 grenade attacks. They also used children and teenagers to sell illegal drugs. President Santos who is now running for re-election said they will continue fighting those thugs relentlessly.

I think that Colombia has to propose some drastic measures. Not only arresting but also  not producing thugs is important. If all of the Rastrojos members are arrested, new gang would appear. I think that the social system such as education and economy have to be reformed. I was shocked when I heard teenagers cooperated with gang. They may not receive public education and know that what they are doing is illegal. One of these days, they would become a criminal and the negative chain continue. I think it is necessary to make the society which prisoners can resume their place in. For that purpose, stable economic development and stable social order are needed. I expect President to carry out basically and radical reforms.

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