My reaction for the big criminal problem in Colombia


 Combating the activities of the criminal bands named Rastrojos is one of the priorities of the Colombian government.They demanded money from shop owners, market stallholders and other businessmen in the city by force  . In addition to the extortion, they  have smuggled illegal drugs and selled them by using children and teenagers in the coastal city of Barranqulia. The president of Colombia pursued the operation against Colombian criminal organisations ,so the colombian police arrested 46 members of the Rastrojos.


 I think the poor public security in Colombia is related with the economic problems. Many people in Colombia think the cultivation of the illegal drugs is very lucrative job.Therefore,Colombia became big illegal drugs-growing district and many criminal bands are formed.I consider the best way of decreasing crime in colombia is improvement of economic conditions.  The attack against Colombian criminal organizations by Santos is the first step to improve the economic conditions. Therefore, measurable stability of public security is needed for  the investment and the advance  by foreign companies.If the people in Colombia stop  cultivating the illegal drugs, the activity of many criminal gangs  become reduction,I think. Afterwards, Colombian government should take action to annihilate them with other countries. In conculsion, mending the economic conditons is important for the fundamenal resolution for criminal problem in Colombia.


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