
Columbian police have arrested 46 members of the Rastrojos criminal gang in northern Atlantico department. They are accused of extortion from shop owners and selling illegal drugs in the coastal city of Barranquilla. It is said that the Rastrojos have smuggled at least 30 tons of cocaine into Mexico since 2008.  Combating the activities of the criminal bands is one of the priorities of the Columbian government. There are many gang groups which deal with drug smuggling. They are rich and virtually stronger than the government. The same thing can be said in East Asia and other South American countries.


My reaction

My group mainly discussed mainly following two points. First, “Why are the gangs so strong in Columbia?”I think that they are so strong in Columbia because they are rich because of the profit from smuggling drugs to USA. Since Columbia is close to USA, smuggling drugs to USA must be very popular and it must be sold very high price. Also, they have a lot of weapons that can hurt people.Second, “In most countries, why only drugs are prohibited but Tabaco and alcohol?”In my point of view, these are almost the same because they are all addictive and do harm to our body. The same thing can be said to sugar and other things too. However, drugs are the most harmful and addictive among those. So we should prohibit taking drugs and also take care not to take too much of other addictive things.


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