my reaction about magic realism


Leaders in Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil refuse to face the reality that the days of easy money are over, and the time is now for real reform. Colombia’s Gabriel García Márquez, who died last month, was one of Latin America’s greatest novelists. His writing helped to popularize what became known as “magic realism,” which mixes realistic narratives with magical thinking.



My opinion about the magic realism is that leaders of each country should see their real economic conditions and review their economic policy. They should not dream an impossible dream.”Magic realism”  refers to the way local “legends” in Latin American cultures are often ultimately endowed with supernatural, or at least fantastical elements. These elements and traditions of legend are often borrowed from by many modern Latin American writers.Marquez wrote a wonderful short story which very intentionally illustrates the way the mundane is often embellished in such a way as to eventually become fantastic-a hallmark of Latin American story-telling and folklore. The story is called “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World.”This story is an excellent introduction to “magic realism,” and was written to sort of define the convention itself, showing that Marquez did indeed embrace the term somewhat.Magic realism is just a story in books, therefor the government of each country should not emulate it.

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