Riots are happened everywhere in Brazil.Protesters are marching against the cost of hosting the football World Cup.They say they are angry that billions of dollars are being spent on next month’s football tournament.They say goverment should spent more money on social projects and housing.The planned protests coincide with a range of strikes.The army is deployed to provide additional support after some robberies and looting,before the strike.But The goverment is arguing it was not related to the World Cup.

Many riots are happened in Brazil.But I think hosting World Cup is good thing.After World Cup,Brazil is going to earn much money because of foreign people who go to Brazil to watch World Cup.So the goverment can spend more money on social projects and housing than before.But if protesters are not stopped by the goverment,foreign people who want to watch World Cup will not go to Brazil because of public peace.So the goverment should stop these Riots.



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