Brazil unrest:Million join protests in 100 cities -My reaction-


Many people took part in the protests in Brazil. There are several reasons for brazilian having unrest to the government.First, violent problems were happened in many place. Second cause of brazilian unrest is over high transport fares and the huge cost of next year`s football World Cup. Protesters are angry at corruption and poor public servicesas well as high cost of next  year`s football World Cup. Moreover politicians having high salaries and giving jobs to their relatives are widely scorned.


My image of Brazil was cheerful because of  samba in Rio de Janeiro. So, I don`t think such as protests was done in Brazil and I`m surprised at that. After reading that content, I understand why many people have negative feelings to the government, but protests are trouble for people who live in there. In addition, it is few chance to solve the problem by protests. Of cource, the government should invest in education and public services and it is natural that people angry at rich politician`s relatives getting job easily. But the government may try to improve that situation, so protest sproduce only a bad things.




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