My reaction about the article”Paraguay drug seizures up by 39% in 2013″


Officials in Paraguay, which is the largest producer of cannabis in South America , say the amount of drugs seized in the country in 2013 rose by 39%. Therefore, officials are caring about such drug so the leader of Paraguay promised to fight against drug trafficking rigorously. On the other hand, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the marijuana trade. President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica tells us the reason of that legalization as this “if we don’t legalize marijuana trading, the low murder rate in Uruguay will soon rise as drug related violence spread.”


Before reading this passage, we argued about matters of drugs such as  ” Why some country treats marijuana as a legal thing while the other country treats it as an illegal thing? “or “What is the difference between drugs like marijuana and alcohol or cigarettes?  They are quite similar on the point of strong dependence and bad effect to our body, but only marijuana is treated as illegal.”

My own answer about the first one is that the difference of people’s thought about marijuana and difference of the economical environment between those countries cause such difference.

My opinion about the second one is there’s no essential difference between those things. Historical cause decides whether it is illegal.

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