Brazilian protests –My reaction-

There were demonstrations against the government in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 16th. Demonstrators marched against the cost of hosting the World Cup. They want the government to spend money for social project or housing for low income people. Strikes connected to these protests are also happened in Pernambuco. They lasted for three days and lots of people were arrested. But the government didn’t focus on this happening. It denied the relationship between the protests and the World Cup and possibility of a tourists’ decrease.


Brazil holds some problems such as drug transaction and a slum area now. It is said that small gun fights happen sometimes in a town. I think people tried to condemn the government from lots of aspect by taking advantage of the opportunity that the World Cup is going to be held next month. The Brazilian law tends to protect labors’ right so people might be very sensitive to welfare. I agree with protesters’ feeling. Brazil is a remarkable developing country which is a part of BRICS. However the country has the biggest debt in South America and it hasn’t been solved yet.

Even in Japan, there were some criticisms that the government should prioritize revival after the big earthquake rather than holding the Olympics. Of course, “big problems” are uncountable in each countries but welfare work should be the most important thing for people.

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