My reaction about “Wealthiest American say the poor have it easy”


Wealthiest Americans think that the poor have it pretty easy. The rich people think it strange that poor people get benefits from government without doing anything. On the other hand poor people believe that the poor need twice as much help as the rich.Most wealthiest say that government can`t afford to do for the poor while most those struggling say the government should do more for the poor.About immigration, both most the rich and the poor have positive image that immigration strengthen the country. But the margin of the rich is bigger than that of the poor, so many poor people think immigration have a negative impact.


My opinion

In Japan I think there are smaller gap between the rich and the poor than other countries. So, I don`t think about something on the rich side or the poor side. But in sure both of opinions are correct. The rich people think it is unfair that the poor can more help from the government, while the poor think they want to get job but they can`t ,so they need more money for looking for job. Same as immigrant, the rich only think the country`s economy grow up by taking more immigration, but the poor think their chance to get job decrease by taking more immigration. That is cause of the different of margin between the rich and the poor.

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