What I think about the modern education system.

Nowadays, how to teach children and how to send promising people to the modern society are always argued. What people gains from education and how they are educated are very important because what they learned from in their childhood has a very big influence on their talents. Mr. Ken Robinson insisted in his speech that the most important thing is the creativity and he said that the education in America and England is not proper in order to improve children’s creativity. I am for his opinion that the system of the education today can not improve the creativity, and I also think that the system of the education in Japan is not proper too. In Japan, it is often said that the education for the children is improper and teachers are just teaching thing systematically. It is said that children are just compelled to study without time to use their creativity. The education in order to train their creativity is not established yet and I think it is worse than America and England.

I think creativity is important in modern times and think that it is an urgent subject to be solved. The reason why I think creativity is important is that the creativity is necessary in modern society. It is often said that the ability to think by yourself and make actions by your own way is necessary when you work in the modern companies. This means that people who can work by the command of the boss systematically and work just like a robot are not so much necessary, compared with the old days. In the past, it was said that the people who could work systematically and sincerely by the command of the company was most important and most necessary. However, since a lot of new businesses, such as IT business or anything, have become the main stream in the modern business, the idea that people who can move systematically is important has become an old-fashioned idea. So, what shall we do now? In order to educate a promising people who can work for the modern companies, we have to change the way of the education which can improve their creativity. For example, let children think by their own ideas without supprssing them by a fixed ideas.

In conclusion, I am for the opinion of Mr. Ken Robinson and think that the creativity is very important in modern society. I think improving the system of the education will surely send promising people to the modern society and make the strength of the nation more powerful. Improving the education means improving the nation ‘Japan’.

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