French journalist Camille Lepage killed in CAR


We talked about a french journalist who was killed in CAR(Central African Republic). Her body was found by a french police in the Bouar region. According to her last tweet, she was travelling with the anti-balaka militia by moterbike to a dangerous area where 150 people had been killed by Seleka rebels since March. And her killers have not been found yet. Besides, security in CAR is getting worse in recent months. Because of conflict erupted in March 2013 between mainly Muslim and Christian militia, a quaeter of CAR’s population have taken refuge.


Of course I have no idea about who killed her , but this article made me to think how international criminal should be solved between the countries. Today, it is not rare to be implicated in a crime in a foreign country especially for journalist like her. Both countries have to cooperate with eath other in oder to inquire into the truth of the matter as soon as possible. And my friend and I noticed that not only this article but another one are related to an opposition between Muslim and Christian. It is a common problem all over the world, we discussed. And it sometimes brings about a dispute, so we have to understand correctly the backgraund of a dispute between defferent religions, and find a settlement, I thought.

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