Audio essay about education

Mao’s audio eassyI agree his ideas about education, intelligence and learning. He said three contentions about creativity.

One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity. The second is that we have no idea in what’s going to happen. I also have a big interest in education because it meant to take us into this future that we can’t grasp.

The third is that children have their capacities for innovation. He insisted that all kids have tremendous talents. I really think so. When we were kids, we had much possibility to be such as artists, musician, scientists, politician and so on.

However, education system has influenced on diminution of creativity . I think intelligence is necessary and important. On the other hand, creativity is also essential for us.  So, we should treat it with the same status.

We have been taught fear of being wrong.  As a result, we can’t try anything original easily. He said “if we aren’t prepared to be wrong, we’ll never come up with anything original.” I agree this contention. Unfortunately, almost kids lost their talents at present. We have to change national education system all over the world. We bring up talent of kids to create creativity.

It came industrialism in 19 century. It was most important and necessary for people to learn high literacy because they have to get good jobs. They learned academic ability to get better jobs. So, mathematics and languages are more important than dancing and music.

When I was a child, I would like to become a cartoonist. But my mother said “Study harder mathematics, Japanese, and social studies than writing a comic. ”Although I wanted to write a comic, I obeyed my mother’s advice. If the education system was changed, I might become a cartoonist. I would lose my talent at that time. Was I happy? “No.”

The most important is variety of talents in the future. Kids are also to invent new idea which adult is not able to think. Therefore, we must change education system for our society.

I suggest that we seek our creative capacity by new education system. Teacher and parents should change their minds. In other words, adults around children need to see through individual talents. So, they never blame children for their mistakes. Thus, adult must change how to view them. As the same, children will change their thinking. Children will be able to notice and learn what they are interested in.

I hope our children to change our life for the richness in the future.


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