My comment about the alcohol tax increase

According to the article, alcohol taxes will increase in the United States. Contrary to what we can imagine, some studies show that this rise will create some jobs. Money not spent on alcohol, coupled with the newly raised tax revenues, will be used on other goods and services which will create jobs in non-alcohol sectors. Moreover this increase will help reduce heavy drinkers. David Jernigan, director, Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth said that “Alcohol tax increases are an evidence-based approach to improving health, and importantly, yield a small net increase in jobs” .
I think that increasing the alcohol taxes is not an effective solution to prevent excessive drinkers from consuming alcohol. Person who are dependent of alcohol will not stop drinking because of small tax increase. They will probably buy cheaper alcohol, which are much more bad for health. As the result, instead of reaching a helping hand to heavy drinkers, this new anti-alcoholic policy may contribute to deteriorate their health… The best way to save alcoholic people is to persuade them, and make realize how drinking too much dose of alcohol is dangerous for human’s organism.
Only their determination will be able to change their mind. Increasing alcohol tax will be pointless concerning the improvement of alcoholics health.

However, I think that this increase will be effective to lessen normal drinkers’s consumption. It is evident that this plan will contribute to the amelioration of people’s health. Furthermore I have to admit that this plan is very interesting and successful to tackle the problem of unemployment. Thanks to this project, the economy of the United States will certainly grow!
…at the expense of alcohol sector’s workers.

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