My audio essay about education

Our future is unpredictable. Nobody know what our society will look like in 10 years. According to Ken Robinson, education is a system which is designed to help us deal which the change of the society. Effective education should help children to discover and develop their creativity. For him, creativity is as important as literacy.
That is why he strongly criticizes the current state of today’s educational system. He flame that the education in our time has lost its objective. Instead of evaluating the potential and special ability of children, teachers only judge capacity of children in accordance with the result of their exam. Because of that we are forced to believe firmly that mistake is bad, and therefore we are not prepared to be wrong and we are tend to be reluctant to create something new.
I totally agree with his argument. Biased education which only think about producing university professor will certainly kill our creativity. Today’s education misunderstand the meaning of the word intelligence. Intelligence does not only indicate being brilliant at mathematics, or having success in an examination. Intelligence is a diverse, dynamic, and distinct concept. As Ken Robinson has pointed out, we sometimes misunderstand what does intelligent exactly means. Different from what we believe, the way of being of intelligence is not fixed, and there are countless form of intelligence.
Especially in Japanese school, learning means memorizing a mysterious magic formula by heart. For example in japan, students learn the multiplication table like a poem. The greater majority of lessons in Japanese university consist in glancing at the professor repeating the textbook word for word. What a intelligent and interesting practice! So grad to be entitled to attend such informative and educational class, it is as exiting as counting sheep when i can’t sleep.
In those system you don’t need to consider to be qualified as an intelligent person, you just have to memorize the entire textbook, like completing monotonous work in a fordist industries. Such a restrictive view of intelligent should be corrected. Adopting a new conception of education, putting emphasis on the richness of the human’s capacity is required.

How ever I want to notice that, bringing out the hidden talent in a person is very difficult for both school side and student side. First, school will have a duty to look at children’s potential very attentively, and should furnish some diverse class.

Concerning the students, things are more complex. To clarify the problem, I’ll tell you about my childhood.
I was born in 1992 in France because both of my parents were artists. At the time I wanted to be an artist like them and I used to spent all my time painting pictures. At school I was really hopeless, I never did my homework and I never listened to my teacher. I was planning to be a painter so I didn’t mind about my result at school. But when I enter to the junior high school I understand that I wasn’t talented enough to have a successful life as an artist and I gave up. Furnishing effort is sometimes not sufficient to cover your talent. In exchange for my dream I start studying at school and it was really pleasant for me because effort expended on study is almost always rewarded.
In study, the result is in most cases proportional to the effort. In contrast in artistic field, talent is the most essential element.

It very easy to encourage young children to develop their individuality but, school should teach children that bringing out the hidden talent is one hundred time more difficult than studying. Every children born artist but to stay an artist you should be strong and determined.

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