Definition of education, intelligence and learning (AUDIO ESSAY)

I’m going to talk about what the education, intelligence and learning is with Ken’s idea.

First of all, I am going to talk about education.

According to this meeting, I understood Ken defined education as one of the way to enhance children’s creativity because he stressed how important the creativity is for our future and he emphasized we must enhance children’s creativity by education.

I almost agree with Ken’s definition of education because as I will explain later, there is similarity between Ken’s and mine.

I define education as to enhance people’s ability of solving problems and to give them knowledge which we need to solve problems.

Why I define in that way is we do education to give children the ability of living in our society, and the most important and necessary thing to live in our society is the ability of solving problems, and we need variety of knowledge to solve problems.

For example, think about the solving math problem and drawing paintings. If you are not taught how to solve math problem or how to draw paintings, I’m sure almost every one can’t solve and draw. But after we are once taught how to solve or draw, we will apply that method and become able to solve new problem and to draw original picture. That’s how we get the ability of solving problems.

I suppose Ken’s idea about definition of education is closely related to my one because if we have creativity, we come up with a lot of way to solve problems and as a result, our ability of solving problems.

Second, I am going to talk about intelligence.

Ken said intelligence is diverse, dynamic and distinct thing, however, he didn’t define it clearly.

I suppose he doesn’t want to define what the intelligence is because if we do that, we will definitely distinguish what is intelligent and what is NOT intelligent, and finally there will be the hierarchy of subjects then it results in decreasing creativity. He doesn’t want that.

I define intelligence as the ability of solving problems. According to this definition, education can be defined as enhancing people’s intelligence and we can get intelligence by education.

We call those who can get good score at math or paint well “intelligent”. In other word, we call those who can solve problems well intelligent. That’s why I define intelligent in that way.

If we define intelligence like that, there won’t be the problem of hierarchy of subjects.

At last, I am going to talk about learning.

Ken didn’t define learning In this meeting, But guessing from what he talked at his meeting, he will define learning as enhancing creativity by oneself by using the methods taught at school..

I define learning as to try to solve problems and enhance the ability of solving problems because we learn at school to enhance the ability of solving problems.

Listening to Ken’s meeting, I rethought about how important the education is, so if I have a child in the future,  I want to give him good education.

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