flexible education is necessary

Japanese current education is lacking the ability to foster creativity. Not unique opinions but correct answers are wanted from students. The talents of students are hidden by current education. This is why such education system should be changed as soon as possible.

Ken Robinson says that the education practiced in almost all over the world seems to make children lose their creativity rather than develop it, and that it is no longer supporting raise childrens’. For example, schools in every country consider there are difference levels of importance in subjects. Math and language are usually considered to be the most important subjects, humanities are the second importance, and art is the least important. This difference shows that people think subjects which are necessary in getting good jobs are prior to others.

Also he criticizes that the idea that the academic ability determine one’s intelligence, and at the same time, he tries to rethink of the idea from three points of view. First, he thinks intelligence is consists of the senses such as sight, hearing, touch. Second, intelligence is very interactive and dynamic. Finally, intelligence is something so unique people cannot put all the aspects of it together into one definition. Therefore, he argues that people should reform the education system so that children can develop the true intelligence.

I agree with his opinion. It seems like the existing education system is depriving potential children of their talent. For example, teachers often say that mistaking isn’t a bad thing so students should not hesitate to make a mistake. But in fact, if students make mistakes or fail in exams, teachers don’t praise students. Not only that, teachers often criticize such students also in existing education system, and they only teach questions for which answers exist, so there is no room for supporting creativity. What I mean to say is that, true intelligence isn’t being cultivated by the existing education.

Recently, Japanese educational facilities try to change the education system. For children’s creativity, the Minister of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is planning to change the National Center Tests for University Admissions. MEXT consider that flexibility and creativity is becoming more important because of the globalization. To be more specific, MEXT announced that the center test will be add an essay test and interviewing in a few years.

However, I don’t think they will be able to make any good result only by such modification. It is difficult for people to measure flexibility and creativity. But MEXT tries to measure them at the Center Test. If those who are educated by existing education system make the test and interview, this modification would not be a drastic reform.

I think if people want to develop the true intelligence, the distinction between teachers and students is no longer necessary. There is no answer in creativity. Everyone has different answers about it. By building an equal relationship, it becomes possible for people to express their opinion freely and foster creativity.

The Japanese education institution tries to change a part of the education system such as form of the examination. However, it will have little effect. To support children’s talent,   more flexible education is necessary.001_150118_2241A0

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