audio essay about creativity

I agree that creativity is important for education as he say. Dance and art is important. All students have to study dance and art like math and language. I think these days there are many university than before. Most students can learn math and language. So math and language is not so special. To make new things and new bland, only math and language is insufficient. I think the reason why iphone is more famous than any other mobile phone is not only good technology but also good look and good concept. People need person who can combine math with art or combine language with dance. Most people cannot understand difficult math and technology, so we have to make difficult things easy to understand. To do this, people need get creativity. Teacher let students do whatever they want to do.  I do not think a mistake is always necessary. But you cannot challenge if you are afraid of the mistake. If you cannot challenge, creative is not born. Unlike mathematics, even if you practice art, not always your ability of art grow. However, unless practice begin you cannot get creativity. If you miss, it is penalized. Evaluation of the deduction system should be stopped. Top university and high school should change the system.

But art have problem in that it is difficult for us to judge what is good and what is wrong in art. Math is easy in that teacher can score. Now there are no way to measure ability to make art. In addition art become useful for the first time mathematics ability improved. In developing country good people of mathematics is insufficient. Social infrastructure is often unstable. In such countries mathematics is important than Art. Unlike the United States and Japan mathematics are special. In developing countries, people who is able to mathematics is useful. To make house, phone, train math is needed. Appearance of things secondary. If things is none, it is impossible to improve the appearance. This means that there is a need to distinguish between developing countries and developed countries.

I have received a traditional Japanese education. Always I’ve been studying to take the points. So I cannot dance, and do not draw even picture, cannot make even videos. And it is true that enrolling in a good high school and a good university is good for me. But I have no idea what to do by utilizing the fact that i’ve learned in. I think what is not enough for me is creativity. The number of excellent mathematician and linguist in Japan is a lot. That’s why now I want to focus on art and dance in japan.

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