Essence of education and change in education

Nowadays, importance of education is rising increasingly. I will tell you about education. I have two themes; essence of education and change in education.
Firstly I have two opinions about essence of education. One is education should give children and youth clues for life. Another one is education should create wide variety of people.
I think education should give hints to students. People live in society and school is a small size of society. Children learn how to get along with others and youth learn logic of things. These things cannot divide into ordinary subjects like math arts science and so on, but they are very important when they become adults because they need communicate with many people, sometimes suppress their emotions, persuade others by concrete logic. Moreover, these things can only learn in school because a lot of kinds of people for example age-matched students, elder students, younger students, teachers, they are in school so they can learn how to deal with others. Well, so education should give a lot of useful information and hints for living in society and it is the best education.
Next, current education creates many types of people who like politics, economics, science and so on besides these people have different characters and the makings. A large variety is important for all creatures including humans. By the way, Mr. Robinson said children lost their creativity through education because of avoiding failure. A number of creative people are small and many people say creativity is most important thing. It is sure creativity invents new ideas and improves society. However, a situation which all people are creative is not good because those people tend to be self-assertive and collide with each other so people who are obedience or not creative are also need as creative people. Moreover, to avoid failure is not always unnecessary if anything it is usually crucial factors because to be able to avoid failure makes benefit at least.
However, of course I didn’t mean creativity is bad. I have two opinions in second theme; change in education too. I agree with Mr. Robinson’s opinion arts, music, dance these subjects are also important same as math and languages and focus on both brain and body. So school education should increase a number of those classes and regard them more important and teach children importance of arts, music, dance because they develop students’ creativity, personality, and diversity. In addition to when children become adults, knowledge of them makes their life richer.
Finally, I heard a very interesting system which students have a few years between graduating from senior high school and entering university in Scandinavia. I think school education should give students time before entering university. Because it makes students seek their end of life by thinking, reading, talking, traveling abroad, then students could grow up to be men or women. It is certain some students will be idle, but such students are lazy in any situation. I recommend this system especially in Japan. The reason is Japanese students tend to have few time to think about what they want to do or become before entrance into university. Besides, in university life, a lot of students focus on study, part-time job, play, sports, club activities, so they don’t have time neither after entrance nor before entrance.
In conclusion, I think essence of education should be clues for life, development of human personality. And school education should import more number of classes of arts, music, dance and a few years of free time before entering university.(593 words)

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