My audio essay

I agree with his idea about education. We should protect creativity and future of children. And now , as he said , teachers tell us not to make a mistake and math and English is more important than music and art.


10 or 20 years ago ,if we get good score in school and graduate from good university , we could enter a good company and earn more money than people only graduated from high school. But It is different now.  Even if we graduated from good university , for example Keio university , it is not guaranteed that we can enter a good company and earn more money than average people. And as he said ,in near future more people will get high level education, so more people will graduate from university. And value of people who graduated from university will go down. So now we don’t have to stick to graduating from university. We should give children other way to make their life.


Every child has wonderful talent. And limitless creativity of human makes our world more richer.  So they should use that talent and make own way to make their life. But schools still stick to have us enter universities and subjects that is needed to pass an entrance examination of university is regarded as important. If schools still stick to have us enter universities , and more and more people enter universities , many people will be not able to get job , and there will be more miserable people. Not to increase such a miserable people , we should develop their talent.


As he said in the speech , Gillian Lynne was not good at study in the school . But doctor told her mother to have her daughter go to dance school. And her talent flowered and she became a great choreographer. So , to develop talent of children , we should treat all subjects fairly. And if students find own favorite subject , we should let them do this subject thoroughly. And furthermore we must remember that subject one student is good at is not always his or her favorite subject. It is important that we let students do what they want to do and if needed , we support it kindly.


To develop talent of children , letting them make a mistake is important too. Now, teachers tell us not to make a mistake. But if we are afraid of making a mistake , our talent and creativity will not develop. Moreover if we are afraid of choosing wrong way in own life , most people choose ordinary way in own life for example graduating university , entering a company and so on. So to increase their choices in their life and to develop their talent , we should let them make a mistake.


People who make future world is now children. So children is our hope. And to make future world more richer , we have to let children do what they want to do.

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