audio essay about education

I watched Ken・Robinson’s speech “How schools kill creativity”. I knew education have both sides good and bad. There is bad side in schools. I think also “schools kill individual characters and diversity”. He suggest school education which regards exam results as important kills creativity, I think it kills individual characters. I agree with him that it is wrong entering good university is the most important. It seems that now children study harder and intelligent, but they are afraid of failure, negative and have little creativity. They act according to an economic decision and behave as similar to others. Then, why schools kill individual characters? I will talk about problems of school education.
The first, the problem is, as Ken・Robinson said, that schools don’t appreciate a gift except study because of an education regards exam results as important. The purpose of studying is only to enter a good university, so they consider the other ability is not good. In preparing for exam, only one answer is right and study is only learning answer by heart. So their creativity and individuals are denied. Besides, they are afraid of failure and don’t challenge because a correct answer is the most important. In an exam, we are required not our opinion, but correct answer. The exam kills creativity.
The second, cooperativeness in classes in a group kills children individuals more than necessary. There are good points in group lesson in school, we can learn teamwork and experience the community. But too many respects for cooperation lose diversity. I will show my experience in primary school. I have often gotten scolded by teacher. Because I have spoken answer whatever I want and scribble on my notes. The reason why is, the study was easy for me. Further, teachers have demanded me to behave to others. Behavior different from others is bad, but the same with others is good. I think this is wrong. We have not to correct their talents. A weak headed child, like Jillian, Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg, has also good gift, so don’t regard them as strange and grow up it. Ken Robinson said children have various talents, so we have to educate them as they are.
Thus, schools lose our creativity and individuals. It’s necessary to learn mathematics, science, history and literacy for our life and to examine children to learn them. But current school education is inclined towards studying for exam. Well-balanced education is important. Education must regard not only studying but also originality as important. We need to find children’s talents and grow up their originality.

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