So embarrassed everyone is posting an essay and I’m doing a reaction to “Tax rises on alcohol”


Some people believe that raising taxes on alcoholic beverage will increase job losses. According to the new findings, however, the result is opposite. Frank Chaloupka, a professor of economics stated money not spent on alcohol may possibly be spent on other goods and services, creating jobs in non-alcohol sector. His team estimates an increase in alcohol taxes will not on only reduce the number of heavy drinkers but also stimulate economy. The study shows the tax increase on alcohol leaded to more employment in California. In response to this research, David Jernigan, the study author remarked alcohol tax increases are an evidence-based approach to help drinkers to health and create jobs. Conversely, some experts are warning those findings are not published in a peer-reviewed journal yet so considered preliminary.


I don’t think this article is 100% reliable. Firstly, there is no explanation about the connection between the tax rising and the job creation. How do they know people spend money not on alcohol but on other goods when the tax is raised? Though it’s showing the study result in California and Louisiana, it is undeniable that it just happened by chance. Secondly, it is doubtful only 10 cents or so tax increase work quite effectively. You can find 10 cents around self-checkout machines in seconds. Such a small rise seems not to be enough for a heavy drinker’s health.


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