My audio essay

In the talk,Ken Robinson says that fear of failure embedded in education kills creativity.
So I propose some ideas to improve this bad situation of education.

First, with reducing time of denial, we should save more time of affirmation.
Ken Robinson say denial makes the fear of action . As a result of that , potential creativity in us is killed. In fact, in the modern education, there seems too much denial. For example, most of the modern exam requires us to give what is called the only right answer set by teachers. If we give a answer different from the answer set by teacher , the answer would be denied. I think, though indirect, these are typical denial. This way of education is not bad, but too much of the way of education seems to do harm to creativity.
So we should save more time of subjects not requesting the only right answer. specifically it is art, music , and so on that apply to the subject.
These subject not always requires the only right answer. Rather, these subject seems to put emphasis on the point of expressing one’s self. So basically, it can be said that these subject don’t deny us.
Therefore, I propose so.

Second, we should change the way of question.
Usually, when people give something as a question, the answer to the quesion always be one. For example, when a teacher gives a question of history, the teacher requires students to answer a word such as Nobunaga Oda , July revolution , World War Ⅱ.
However, the way of question can’t raise creativity. just memorising something don’t lead to raising creativity.
So, when we give something as question, we should avoid such a way to the extent you can, and devise the way of question. For example, we give a quesion of history, we should take the way ” why did the problem happen? and why was it a problem?” ”can you have an idea how the man came up with such a wonderful solution?” ” If you have to solve that situation, what way or policy do you take?” and so on. The point of these is not requesting people to answer what they know, but requesting people to answer the question with what they know.
In other words, I think, If we can teach even the way of coming up with ideas ,and so on, lectures of history will get more interesting , and ,at the same time,raise creativity.
In short, only with just taking note of a way of question, we can raise creativity well.
Therefore we should change the way of quesion in education.

This is all my suggestions.

Hiroki Suzuki

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